July 10, 2024 wandpmarketing.co.uk

Why U.X (User Experience) and SEO are directly correlated


You might think that having a website designed that looks brilliant and offers a good U.X (user experience) won’t exactly impact your business’s SEO. You might think that website design and SEO are therefore entirely different and, therefore, unrelated?

However, they are directly connected, especially since Google’s RankBrain is now monitoring engagement (bounce rates, dwell time) with the websites that offer positive user experience, often therefore ranking much higher in Google’s organic SERP’s.Therefore, this is often why cheap websites don’t cut it- so a word to the wise, don’t waste your money. If you are serious about getting a business on page 1 of Google.co.uk, the website must be well-designed and offer a good user experience.

Therefore keeping a low bounce rate across your main pages is very important, you must often provide a good UX.

Here’s some of the ways you can improve your businesses user experience:

– Pay for fast website hosting
– Pay to get the website designed so its super simple to use
– Pay for on-going A/B testing, for further improve the web design


What is Google’s Core Web vitals?

Google’s Core Web vitals are within and therefore part of Google’s core algorithm.
Google’s Core Web vitals determines how fast the company website is, how quickly it can become interactive so the customer can use it, and how visually stable it is. In a nutshell, you want your website to be lightning-fast so customers can use it immediately.


What does largest Contentful Paint (LCP) even mean?

So, without getting too technical, LCP measures how long it takes for a significant element on the page, such as a large block of text, to load and become visible in the viewport. They might have you scratching your head and thinking, what does that even mean?
In a nutshell, Google’s algorithms want to work out the LCP, how fast the company website is and how quick it is at loading the most significant element on the page to determine how good a user experience that page offers.
So, its bit like waiting for the bus, you want it come on time. And it’s the same with a website, if its doesn’t load on a smartphone, such as the latest i-phone super quickly, and instead its slow, well, this means the user experience is poor.
Super fast website hosting is now a must

Therefore, global brands, such as large multi-million-pound companies, have superfast hosting that loads literally in a fraction of a second. Consequently, it has a fast “LCP”, and even the page is likely to load on smartphones and laptops quicker.

You might be thinking, well, why is a lightning-fast website needed?

The reason is shoppers are simply impatient; if the website takes too slow to load cell a smartphone in an area with a weak signal, for example, they might not be 5G in the rural countryside, there just might be 3G in that area, and the page may well be slow to load, and what then happens is the bounce rate increases often substantially. This is bad for a businesses SEO.
This is why web designers and SEO consultants work hard to improve your website’s LCP.


High bounce rates are not the way to go

With most SEO metrics, you want them to be high; for example, you are on many good-quality backlinks, good-quality content marketing articles, and a high number of engaged followers on your companies Instagram account.
Yet you don’t want this one SEO metric to be high, and that is a high bounce rate. A high bounce rate means shoppers are leaving your website without visiting another page, which can damage your companies SEO.


First impact delay

The first impact delay is how long it takes a website that can be interactive to be used by the customer.
So, for example, somebody shopping for a kitchen blender, wants to find that item as soon as possible.
Again, it boils down to shoppers are now impatient; they’ve used superfast broadband and 5G mobile so shopppers are now used to ultra fast websites, if your company does not have the same level of service, and they instantly bounce off the websites, well this will damage your companies SEO.


What does Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) mean?

What you want is visual stability, so for example when you’re drunk, an you reach out for your glass of wine; it might not be where you expect it to be because your vision is impaired.

However, this is the same when a website that is not visually stable; the hosting might well be so slow, the company website moves around several times before it becomes stable and ready to use.

Therefore, good web designers want to ensure the website’s visual stability is good.

Making the company website “visually stable” as soon as possible offers a good user experience. If however, on the other hand the page unexpectedly moves around; for example, if a button shifts a place when a shopper is trying to buy an item and click “buy it now”, this does not provide a good user experience.


In summary

in summary, whether you are designing the desktop or mobile version of a company website, you need to offer a good user experience is essential.

This will directly correlate to improving your business’s organic SEO. If your business is serious about improving the organic SEO, then you need a website with a good user experience.

Therefore, this article illustrates the combination of good website hosting in terms of being fast and reliable. Still, it’s also more than that: it’s also the actual design of the website. It needs to load quickly and be stable, and every aspect needs to be fast.


How we can help

We have been designing websites for donkeys for years in Cardiff and for a wide range of businesses.

Therefore, we can create a quality website for your business with prices starting from just 950.

Call us for a quote today.
WP Web Design can help to improve your business’s website design and help to improve your organic SEO.

High-quality websites designed for just £950.00

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