Why today your business should have a “responsive website.”

August 21, 2024
Posted in Blog
August 21, 2024 wandpmarketing.co.uk

Why today your business should have a “responsive website.”

Web Design


Sometimes, when you get a quote from a web design agency, they will send a detailed breakdown of what they can offer as a business within a PDF document. Sometimes, there can be so much jargon, saying that they can offer super fast hosting, a well-designed content management system, and a responsive website.

Therefore, often, the company director’s eyes quickly switch to the quote and may go with the company that seems to be offering the best deal.

However, sometimes, low web design quotes exclude a lot of what you need as a business. For example, in the fine print, it might state that they charge extra to make the website responsive.

In our view, this is a bit like a car dealer specifying a price yet then saying, well, later on, that price doesn’t include the wheels or tyres on the car. Just as tyres are essential to a vehicle, having a mobile-responsive website designed is crucial as well.


What is a “responsive website.”

The great Steve Jobs designed tablets, and now many people use smartphones to find local businesses and products they want to buy. This is more convenient for the customer, yet from a web design perspective, web designers globally must now also make sure that the website works on tablets, desktops, and smartphones with different operating systems, such as Android and Apple iPhones.

The phone must “snap” and be responsive to the size of various screens, from a small iPhone to a tablet or a giant desktop screen. Therefore, the website must be responsive and “mobile-ready.”


Google’s Mobile First Indexing

Google’s brilliant algorithm made the move to “mobile-first indexing”—sounds complicated, right? Well, it’s not really. It just means that Googlebot, the bot that does Google’s crawling and indexing, crawls the mobile version of your website before the desktop version.

So, we are making a point that Google’s algorithms now prioritise mobile indexing. First, the website must be responsive. Still, more than that, excellent web designers, UX designers, and developers must constantly improve the user experience, making the website faster and simpler to use.

This often means that for large e-commerce businesses, hundreds of hours of “split testing” are needed to refine the design and improve it.

So it’s a bit like a whiskey maker; they have to perfect their way of distilling whiskey to get the taste, well spot on. This is the same with a website; you can spend hundreds of hours designing it and writing Javascript until you are so tired you fall off your chair sideways, yet what matters is what your customers think of the website. Do they find it simple to use? Are they spending a long time on your website because they like the products and the valuable information you offer? Or is the bounce rate sky-high? Because your web designers have made the website difficult to use?


So, here are some of the reasons why your company needs a well-designed mobile version of your company website:

Improved User Experience

UX is now an important part of search engine optimisation and web design. Google uses something called “Google’s RankBrain”—artificial intelligence—to decipher how well your business is answering that query.

For example, is the shopper spending a long time on your website? Is the “dwell time” therefore very high?

What’s the bounce rate like?

Was your business the last company clicked on in the search engine results pages (SERPs)? Therefore, did you answer the customer’s question or provide the customer with the product that they wished to purchase? Or did the customer return to

Google’s SERPs to have to go to another business to find the item they wanted?

Google’s RankBrain uses this data from hundreds, if not millions, of shoppers who use Google Chrome and Android devices to decipher how happy shoppers are with your website.


Better Conversion Rates

If your website is more straightforward to use, for example, a shopper shopping for an item well on the train on the way home from work can find what they want quickly, they are more likely to purchase from you.

If, on the other hand, it’s challenging to find an item or the website takes a very long time to load onto a smartphone, the bounce rate may increase. So, it’s not just about having a responsive website; it must also be straightforward.


Faster Load Times

Whichever web design agency you hire must design a website that is super-fast. This means that the website must be fast whether the shopper is shopping on a desktop, mobile, or tablet.

Increased Engagement

If expert web designers have designed your company website well, they will know that a well-designed website will have a higher dwell time. Plus, also the website will have a lower bounce rate. This means that because the website is so simple, shoppers will continue shopping for longer. However, if the website is poorly designed by your web designers, for example, it’s slow, or the main menu is just complicated to use, then what can happen is the business will rank lower in Google’s SERPs.

Improved Analytics

If your company website is well designed, you will help shoppers get to the products or services they want much more simply. If your website is a piece of cake to use, then this can improve dwell time, which many SEO consultants and web design companies believe has a positive impact on the company’s organic search engine optimisation.


How we can help

We are based in Cardiff’s city centre, in South Wales. We differ from many other web designers in offering quotes included in our fee to design a responsive and mobile-ready website. So, where some web design agencies can charge more than 1k to make a brochure WordPress website responsive, we actually include this within our fee.

Our websites, therefore, offer Welsh businesses amazing value for money. We can design a 7-page high-quality WordPress website for as little as £950.00, so it’s clear why our U.X designers, web developers, and WordPress web designers are busy throughout the year designing high-quality, amazing websites for local businesses.

We also have some of the best SEO consultants working in-house, meaning that once your brand new CMS website has been fully designed, we can start work straightaway on improving your business’s organic and local SEO.


High-quality websites designed for just £950.00

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.