Why the success of your business SEO is directly connected to how well your website has been designed

August 20, 2024
Posted in Blog
August 20, 2024 wandpmarketing.co.uk

Why the success of your business SEO is directly connected to how well your website has been designed


As with all things in life, you get what you pay for, a cheap mattress equals a bad back, cheap shoes often equals discomfort, and a cheap website can usually mean, well, corners get cut.

What we mean by that is that often, the website will be relatively essential if you pay a pittance for it. This has knock-on effects on your business’s search engine optimisation, meaning more work—sometimes vast amounts of work—is needed because proper SEO work can start.


And what do we mean by proper SEO work?

Low-quality spam marketing may need to be rewritten, duplicate content removed, alt text changed, on-page SEO improved, and spammy anchor text. Hundreds of hours are sometimes required, not to improve a business’s SEO but to get the website to the point where the website is not deemed spam by Google.

So, if you pay cheaply, you often have to fork out more to improve the website later on down the road. That’s if you want to improve your business’s organic search engine optimisation. You may want to; you may be happy with no organic traffic and just direct shoppers to your site by word of mouth or, say, a business card.

However, most businesses want to rank highly on Google and to do so; your website must be well-designed.

Website design and your business SEO are interconnected and here is why



You need to create a positive user experience; to do that, the website must be well-designed. To be well designed, you need to offer helpful information written with the guidance set out by Google E-EAT in mind. Plus, the website must provide a good user experience, so be fast, responsive, and simple to use.

If the website, on the other hand, has a low dwell time and a high bounce rate, the website will rank lower in Google’s results.

So, for a business’s organic search engine optimisation to be a success, these are some of the attributes the site must have:

– Be super fast
– Be mobile friendly
– Needs well-written content marketing
– Be simple to use
– Must have quality backlinks
– Work well on mobiles and tablets, as well as desktops
– Must be a white hat


The content marketing needs to be of good quality

It’s well worth paying extra for a really good digital marketing agency, such as ours, to write the content marketing for you when the website is initially being designed. So, ask your web designers if they have copywriters.

If they do, hire the best copywriter to write the content marketing, as this can get your business’s SEO off on the right footing from the very start. It simply means Googlebot, when it first crawls and indexes your website, will see that each page should be well written, helpful, and written in accordance with Google E-EAT.

Then, Googlebot will tell Google’s algorithm that the website has good quality, white-hat content marketing. This simply means that your website should be indexed by Google in a higher position.

So, if your web designers do not have copywriters working for them or do not offer the service of writing the text, consider choosing another web design agency.

If they do have copywriters working for the agency, ask whether the content marketing will be written in accordance with Google E-EAT. This is absolutely essential.

Only hire web design agencies that write content marketing using white hat methods in accordance with Google’s


Webmaster Guidelines and Google E-EAT.

It is well-designed but also keeps technical SEO in mind.

Sure, the website must look good; otherwise, the bounce rate will go sky-high. However, with that said, you must consider the website’s technical SEO. So make sure the site architecture is good, all pages can get indexed, and you have good website security in place.


In conclusion, here’s why you should choose W&P.

We have designed WordPress websites for local Welsh businesses for over ten years. We have also been offering SEO services, so we are well placed as a business to create a fantastic website for your company and help improve your company’s organic SEO.

With web design prices starting from £950.00 and SEO packages starting from just £600 a month, we have a digital marketing agency to call.

We can also offer to design a website for your business, with WordPress web design packages starting from just £950.00.

We are the Cardiff web design business to call. We have two WordPress designers with over ten years of experience designing high-quality WordPress websites, so call us today.


High-quality websites designed for just £950.00

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.