Why are so many businesses choosing a WordPress website that’s “headless”?

August 1, 2024
Posted in Blog
August 1, 2024 wandpmarketing.co.uk

Why are so many businesses choosing a WordPress website that’s “headless”?

Written by: Bob Hoskins
Date: 01/08/2024
Topic: Web Design Cardiff


WordPress as a headless CMS might sound like a mouthful, but trust us, it’s a game-changer. If you’ve been using WordPress for blogging, you’re missing its superpowers. Let’s dive into what a headless CMS is, why WordPress rocks in this role, and how it can supercharge your website.

So, there’s a bit of a buzzword among web designers at the moment: design a “headless” website. And, well, it’s a game-changer. We shall explain why having a well-designed “headless” website could benefit your business.
What is a headless CMS, anyway?

So, what exactly is a “headless” content management system?

So, we will have to get a bit technical here but bear with us as we elaborate. Quite put, a headless website is a type of content management (CMS) for short, where the front end, the part the shopper sees, is decoupled from the back end, which is the part web developers use to design the website.

What this means, in a nutshell, is that you display your website on apps, websites, etc.

Are you still confused?

Let us elaborate a bit more.

What are the main benefits of going headless for your WordPress website?

Here are the main benefits of gaining a headless WordPress website for your business:

You can use different designs for the front end; for example design used Vue.js

Faster, well, it can be supersonic to be fair

Excellent web developers can deliver your content through some things web designers call an API. This means that this increases how fast the website is; therefore, opting for a headless WordPress website can help to improve the website’s UX user experience.

So, how does a headless website work?

Step 1: Obtain a WordPress website

Your web developers will need to enable Rest API. It’s important to know that WordPress actually comes with a built-in Rest API. In layman’s terms, this means that content, such as the homepage, can be fetched using JSON data, which can be used anywhere.


The next stage is to choose your front end

So, often, a web designer will use either React, Angular, or another popular option, Vue.JS, which then allows the web developers to start designing the front end of your new headless website.

You then fetch the content via an API

Your web designers can then request the API fetch the content; for example, many web design agencies rely on REST API to pull the content directly from WordPress.

Display the content

Then, using the REST API, you can directly place the content onto front-end technology. Therefore you will then gain a headless WordPress website.

React. app

Many businesses globally are using WordPress to gain a fast e-commerce website managed by WordPress, yet because it’s headless, you can use React—app to display your products.


In conclusion

There’s one thing for sure: Customers and web design companies alike will be talking about headless CMS websites for a very long time to come. You will be able to use WordPress CMS, which web designers all over the world like using, yet now you can get the front end to display on apps.

So whether you want a headless website to improve your SEO performance, gain a faster website, or perhaps improve security, we can help you gain a headless WordPress website and improve your web design.
With prices starting from £950.00, it’s clear why our web designers work their socks off throughout the year. Every month, our web developers design brochure websites for many well-known Cardiff businesses. They come to us because we offer unbelievable value for money.

So, if you’re on Google now looking for “Cardiff web design businesses”, do call us; we have a range of packages available. Do call our expert team today.

High-quality websites designed for just £950.00

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