What tasks does a web developer complete?

October 5, 2024
Posted in Blog
October 5, 2024 wandpmarketing.co.uk

What tasks does a web developer complete?

Date: 05/10/2024

A web agency should have a mix of highly talented people who help bring businesses’ visions of how they want their websites to look to life. Now, there are some roles that are more creative than others. A technical SEO expert cannot really get that creative, other than designing their Excel spreadsheets.

Yet, UX designers, web developers, and web designers can get creative, whether initially when designing the wireframes or right at the end when deciding where the social media icons should be placed.

Here at W&P, we are a full-stack web agency based in the wonderful city of Cardiff. We have web designers, developers, and highly skilled SEO experts working for us. Many businesses know, for example, what a social media manager does on a daily basis, but not many know about the work that a web developer does on a daily basis.

So, we thought we would write a question-and-answer blog post to help people understand the type of work a web developer completes on a daily basis.


What would your web design agency say the biggest challenge that web developers face?

So often the hardest projects to complete, in terms of web design, as you might expect would be the ultra large e-commerce websites. Simply because there’s so many product pages, and a lot of web designers just copy product descriptions from somewhere else, but this shouldn’t happen.
Because of the Google Panda update, any copy-and-paste text will mean that the website could incur an algorithmic or manual penalty from Google. So, it’s better to manually write the work and design the page so that all the content marketing is high-quality but unique to that website.
So, often, the most challenging part of a web developer’s job is simply designing e-commerce websites, with, say, over one hundred pages, which will need the help of front-end web designers, copywriters, U.X web designers, and graphic designers to start forming the company’s brand guidelines.

So, please walk us through a typical day as a web developer working for a web design agency.
So, often, it involves the web developer working directly with the client. Overnight, there might be emails where the client has had a change of mind, doesn’t want the footer to be so large, or, let’s say, wants a new page added to the website.

A web developer might then move on:

Writing basic blocks of code to add to the CMS
Most of the content management systems we design for businesses in Cardiff use WordPress CMS. Sometimes, custom blocks of code are needed to ensure that the website has the customer’s desired functionality.

Ongoing maintenance to keep things running smoothly

Just as a car needs maintenance or the engine may seize, so will a website. Well, a website won’t seize, but it might go down. The shopper may then be greeted with a message such as “critical website error” or “404- page not found”- these problems must be fixed.


A website can run flawlessly for years and work like a Swiss watch, doing everything that you want the website to do. But then, suddenly, the CMS can run updates, making the website incur a glitch. Only one line of code might go wrong, but this could be enough to cause the website to incur a significant glitch, which means it goes offline.

So, a lot of the work that a web developer does is often figuring out where the glitch is and how to fix it.

How does a web developer’s job integrate with the other staff working at a web agency?

So, often, at a web agency, the client will meet with the company director or sales staff. Often, the first designer who works on the site is either the staff creating the brand guidelines or the designer creating the wireframes.

Often, a UX designer needs to state what hex codes to use, how the main navigation should look, and how the footer is going to be designed, for example. Then, it’s up to the web developer to start writing the code and designing the website.


Ongoing work

Often, a web developer will work directly with the client. For example, there are often a lot of e-mail exchanges and phone calls during the design stage. But the work is also often ongoing. For example, the client will often pay extra for their website to be backed up on a monthly basis.

Sometimes, for example, in an e-commerce website, the client will work with the web design agency to improve the business’s search engine optimisation on an ongoing basis. This often involves improving the website’s design and UX. To improve the user experience, a web developer is usually needed for split testing, for example, to see if a new main menu helps lower the company’s bounce rate.


What types of websites does W&P build?

So our web developers are constantly engaged with various websites that need building for our clients in Cardiff.

On Monday morning, after a nice fresh cup of coffee, designers and developers could be working on a relatively straightforward website design for a construction company. At our web design agency, we design many websites for construction-related businesses, like demolition firms, builders, plasterers, electricians, and plumbers.

Yet we have worked on websites for dental practices and huge national e-commerce websites. So, our work is very varied, and our web developers could work on a range of different business websites in one single day.

Plus, the work that the web developers complete is often massively varied. They could be carrying out routine maintenance for a client in the morning, say, backing up a WordPress website.

In the afternoon, they could be designing and writing code to create a custom main menu for a client. Therefore, no two days are ever the same, and our web developers will have a lot of varied work to complete to design unique websites for our clients.


How much does your web design team cost to design a new website for my business?

So, most of our clients are located in the city of Cardiff.

We also now work with businesses based all over the United Kingdom.

The cost of designing a simple brochure website starts from just £950.00 per website, which is for a website with just seven pages.

Yet our web developers also work on designing much more complex websites, for example, a brand new e-commerce website. This could cost upwards of 10k to design. Therefore, our PHP designers are busy designing many different types of websites for our clients.


What type of websites do your web developers specialise in designing?

We can use any website for any business.

Yet, over the years, we have accumulated much experience working with lawyers and solicitors all over Wales. We have also designed and built many websites for businesses in the construction sector.


We often design websites for the following businesses:
– Law practices
– Construction businesses
– Dental practices

Do you need to hire a web developer?

We are often chosen as the first port of call when a Cardiff business needs to get a brand-new website designed.

We are notorious for designing amazing, well-designed websites that look great but are offered at a competitive price point. This allows everyone from start-up companies in Wales to larger businesses to come to W&P to get a new website designed.

We can also help your business by offering the following services:

– Organic search engine optimisation
– Local search engine optimisation
– WordPress web design and web development
– Web design services

Call us for a free no-obligation quote:

If you need a website designed in Cardiff, do not hesitate to contact our web design team today. If you want a brochure website designed, we can often offer you a quote there and then over the phone.

If it’s a more complex design, for example, a new e-commerce website, we can often offer you a quote within 48 hours. We have web developers, designers, U.X designers, and white hat SEO consultants working for us, so why not call our web design agency?


High-quality websites designed for just £950.00

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.