What are 7 different ways that we could reduce our bounce rate?

October 16, 2024
Posted in Blog
October 16, 2024 wandpmarketing.co.uk

What are 7 different ways that we could reduce our bounce rate?


So, you’ve just got off the phone with your SEO agency. It’s the first month that they have been working for you. They’ve logged in to an SEO tool such as Google Analytics, and in a matter of just a few seconds, they can see that the bounce rate is through the roof.

There can be many different reasons for this, but often, it boils down to two main factors: the website being too slow or the design being just, well, a bit rubbish, putting off potential shoppers.


So, first things first:

What is a bounce rate, and how is it calculated?

So, the bounce rate is calculated when a shopper visits a single page or blog post on your website and then doesn’t take any action, such as clicking on another page. The shopper, therefore, leaves the website without browsing any of the products you have for sale.
Now, this is bad news on two fronts:


Costing the business sales

So, if many shoppers leave more or less straight away, they may not like the design or find the website a bit difficult to use.
Either way, they are not purchasing items, which means that the business is not making sales. Now, it could just be that the website is too basic, looks a bit rubbish, or that the customer can’t find the answer that they are looking for.

The really good web designers, the web design agencies that design good websites, often keep things simple. They put themselves in the customers’ shoes. What products/services do they want? How can you make it a piece of cake for them to get to that page from, say, the homepage?

Then, there’s often a lot of effort that goes into producing the content marketing, so it’s helpful, useful, and useful so that it helps the shopper.

If a customer can’t find an answer to a question, such as how energy efficient a washing machine is, they will just leave the business, increasing the bounce rate.


Bad for SEO

So, if thousands, if not millions, of shoppers are leaving your website faster than you can shout “bounce rate,” then it is not good for the company’s search engine optimisation. Google, as well as other search engines like Bing, see that shoppers are not spending too long on the website, which shows low engagement. This means that the business, over time, starts to go down the ranks and not up.


You need to create a better user experience that doesn’t need to cost a fortune.

Many web design agencies always talk about improving a business’s UX, but what does this even mean?
When you walk into a car showroom, the car retailers want to make it a pleasant experience.
Perhaps a friendly, smiling face at the front of the house, a free coffee, and light, bright, and airy spaces where the cars are illuminated and shining like stars.

This puts the product, the car, in its best light.

If you had to see the car in the middle of a muddy field on a winter’s day, you would not purchase it.
So, it’s all about generating a positive experience, and you must think about this when designing your company website. How can you improve the U.X.


Well, let us give you just a few ideas and suggestions on how you can improve your website U.X.

– make your website super sonic fast
– design the website so it is simple to use; don’t make it complicated and complex. The bounce rate will go through the roof
– use a font type that works on all mobiles and desktops

Work with highly experienced UX designers to design the mobile version of a website.

Let’s say you’re purchasing a rather expensive pair of running trainers on your Apple iPhone; the bounce rate will often increase sharply if the website is not simple to use.

So, for example, in a burger menu where the icon is just too small, some shoppers might not be able to click the icon. Therefore, they may be unable to work out how to use the main menu and, thus, leave the company website.


Use Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix to improve page speed

In an age of bullet trains, 5G mobiles, and fast electric cars, we all like things to go fast.

So, if your company website is loading slowly, work with a local web design company. They can use Google PageSpeed and GT Metrix to find ways to make your website faster.

For improve to improve the U.X the website designers could make the website faster by:

– improving load times
– switching the hosting company to a hosting company that offers faster website hosting
– get an AMP website designed.


Is the website navigation super simple to use?

So, many businesses have opted for burger menus or an expanding menu that goes across the whole screen, and you can pick a page you want.

Regardless of which type of main menu you go for, just make sure that it’s designed to be super simple to use. If the main menu is not a piece of cake to use, and shoppers find it a headache to locate the products they want, they often leave, and yes, that means, yet again, the bounce rate is increasing.

Come to us; we can design a fantastic website for your business

We design amazing websites that offer a good U.X. Our websites are fast, well-designed and offered at great prices. So why not call us today?





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