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Websites for start-ups and entrepreneurs


Business is hard!

We know that’s quite a statement, but getting any business off the ground takes grit and determination.

Yet, many businesses we think fail simply because they go to the wrong marketing company in the very early days of the business’s starting up. They either get a cheap website built that says nothing about the company or the brand, or they get their search engine optimisation is not done right; the company might use what’s called “black hat” methods, which means sooner rather than later, the business gets what’s called a “Google algorithmic penalty”- which basically means, often it gets de-indexed, removed from Google altogether on the organic search engine results pages.

So, with that said, how can our web design agency help you:

Branding and website design

We know that most start-ups and entrepreneurs are strapped for money at the start, but does that mean you need to choose an overly simplified, basic, and rubbish-looking website?
Well, we think not.

That’s because there are web designers out there who will give you a website that’s so basic, bland, and boring that the bounce rate will be super high.

But we are not like those businesses. We design high-quality WordPress websites with up to 7 pages, are well-designed, and offer a starting price of just £950.00.
We are sure you will agree that at that price point, it’s an amazing price that most start-up companies can afford.

Help to improve your company’s Search Engine Optimisation

So, we are not one trick ponies here at W&P- why do we say that with so much confidence?

The answer is simple: We have SEO consultants with over ten years of experience. So, you could hire one of our super-talented web designers to design a fantastic website for your business.

Then, as soon as all the pages have been designed, the logo put on, and images and text added, our SEO consultants can start working on improving your company’s ranking on Google.


Is SEO a fast process?

The answer is no.

SEO is slow, very slow. Now, that’s not to put you off; here’s why. Stay tuned.

If done right, SEO can place you on the first page of Google, which, for some businesses, is a massive competitive advantage. However, we can overemphasise the phrase “if done right” because it needs to be done in a white-hat way that follows Google’s WebMaster Guidelines.


How our web design agency can help:

Well-designed websites starting from £950
Start-up businesses often have many things they need to purchase, such as office premises, stock and hiring staff.

Therefore, we recognise that some companies will want a website set-up that looks amazing but may not want to fork out thousands of pounds. This is why we can design and build up to 7 pages for £950.00. Most websites we create are built in less than one month.

So, whether you are opening a hairdressing saloon, a new restaurant or an accountancy practice here in Cardiff, we can design a fantastic WordPress CMS website for just £950.00
SEO packages available from £550 PCM

Many start-up companies and entrepreneurs know that most of their customers will come via Google.co.uk.

A lot of businesses hire us not just because we have really good web designers working for us but also because we can help improve your business’s search engine optimisation. For example, we can help get your company onto page one of Google here in Cardiff. We have worked with many businesses based right here in Cardiff. We offer our organic SEO services, which are white hat, starting from £550.00 per month.


Help to promote your business on social media.

So, let’s say one of our copywriters writes a long article, say 3,000 words, and it helps to improve the business’s organic search engine optimisation. We can also promote that article on social media, such as Facebook, to get even more visitors, generate more brand awareness, and help improve your company’s digital marketing.

Why choose our web design business?

Why not call us if you’re about to start a new business? We can design quality content management system websites starting from £950.00. We can then help to improve your organic and local SEO, with starting prices for our white hat

SEO, starting from £550.00 per month.

If you want to know more about our web design and SEO packages, call us today.


How to create well-designed landing pages

Hiring an excellent web designer to create well-designed landing pages is crucial for several reasons. The main reasons are that the web design can help reduce the company’s bounce rate and convert visitors into sales.
So, what constitutes a well-designed landing page:

Well, here at W&P, we think a well-designed landing page is one:

– Follows the advice of Google E-EAT
– Is helpful
– Simple to use
– Works well on smartphones and tablets
– Has a low bounce rate
– Google Analytics shows the page has a high dwell time
– A lot of quality do-follow backlinks are leading to that page


It must have a clear purpose.

When many businesses are looking to hire a Cardiff web designer, they might think, “We only need a one-page website, or let’s say a three-page brochure website.” Actually, however, we believe it’s worth paying more for your new website so that each main service or product category has its own page.

So, for example, let’s say our designers this week are designing a website for a new solicitor’s practice that is about to open in the Cardiff Bay area. Well, we would recommend to them to add a page for each different service they offer, not to group all the service descriptions onto one page.

So, you should create a landing page for each leading service you offer.

And why do we recommend this?

Well, it’s simple: Google algorithms will crawl and index each page on your new company website.

Google uses something called “Googlebot” to do this. Now, if you have created a landing page for each service you offer, it’s much clearer to Google what services and products you offer.


That’s because of the following:

Each page is likely to have its own:

– Page title
– URL Extension
– Anchor text
– Alt text
– Content marketing
– Page titles H1 through to H6
– Meta title
– Meta description

So, in a nutshell, you’re sending a much clearer signal to Google about what services/products your business sells, making it much simpler to later, if you so wish, improve the search engine optimisation for that page.
So, how much will it cost to get all of these extra pages added?

The good news is that some digital marketing agencies in Wales charge in excess of 2K to get a 10-page website designed, plus the monthly hosting cost and the cost to make the website responsive. Then, the web designers are likely to charge extra to write the content marketing and supply the stock photography.

However, the reason so many people come to W&P is simple: We have a starting price for a 7-page brochure website, starting from just £950.00. So, it’s clear to see why our web designers are so busy throughout the entire year.



CTA stands for “call to action”- a simple box saying “Would you like us to call you back?”- could have just a brightly coloured box. In that box, someone could leave a name and number, and a sales representative will know, for example, that the box filled in was on the page for a BMW M3 car.

The sales representative can then simply call the customer back. So, having boxes and calling CTA helps you contact the customer.

It hasn’t got to be the customer leaving the phone number. It could be:

– Asking the shopper to follow your business on Facebook
– To sign up to a monthly newsletter
– Go to web chat and ask customer service a question.


Your website must be responsive.

A good landing page design must be responsive. Your web designers must ensure that the landing pages they create are responsive. This is for two reasons. One, Google switched to “mobile-first indexing” some time ago, meaning Googlebot crawls and indexes the mobile version of your website before it indexes the desktop version.

So, this is one reason you need to design a mobile-friendly website.
The next reason is that many shoppers will find your company website on a smartphone or tablet, so the website must be “responsive” to work on that smartphone.


How we can help:

If your business, based in South Wales, needs a new website designed, why not call us? We can design and build a brochure website for just £950.00. If you would like a high-quality website designed, do call W&P Web Design.


Meta title:
How to create well-designed landing pages
Our web designers explain how to design well-designed landing pages.

Are the websites you build “mobile friendly”?



It’s more important than ever that your company website is “responsive,” yet this is often not at the forefront of some people’s minds when they are having a new website designed by local web designers.

Often, a director or a self-employed person will fire off a few emails, asking local web designers to offer a quote for a 7-page website. Then, you might sit back, have a slice of lemon drizzle cake, and drink tea while waiting for the replies.

Then, automatically, a lot of people are drawn to the price: what the various web developers charge for designing a basic brochure website.

It’s also common for marketing companies to attach a lot of sales literature explaining why you should pick them.

They may waffle on forever and a day about previous brands and businesses they have helped. Yet what often gets lost in that, say, 25-page PDF document about the web design company waffling about how good they are is how much the web design essentials cost.


Such as:

What is the ongoing hosting going to cost?

– How much will the domain name renewal cost for that business?

– How much will it cost for the web designers also to do the copywriting work

– And yes, you guessed it, how much do you need to make the website mobile “responsive”?


So, let’s jump straight to the good part, where some web designers in Cardiff might charge, let’s say we have heard £750.00 to make an essential brochure website “responsive”- well, here at W&P, we are different.


How are we different?

We are different because every single one of our websites, whether it’s a brochure or an e-commerce website, is always made to be mobile-friendly. Even if a business here in Wales comes to us for a quote, and not once in meetings or on the phone does it mention making the website “responsive,” we know they will need it.

So, just like a car needs fuel to move forward, it’s essential. We know that over 50% of your organic traffic from Google.co.uk is going to be from a mobile phone or tablet. We also know that Google has introduced “mobile-first indexing”—meaning Google’s algorithms want to crawl and index the mobile version first.

Google also will not rank a business high in the SERPs, the organic results, unless the website has a mobile version designed.

Google doesn’t want thousands of shoppers who are shopping for an item on an iPhone or Samsung Android phone to have the website not work and “snap” to the screen size.

So, Google’s algorithms now use whether or not your company website is responsive as a ranking factor.


What are Responsive Websites?



Having a responsive website sounds technical, right?

Well, from a customer’s perspective, it just means the page layout fits the screen, and you can leave all the complicated web design stuff to us. But from a shopper’s perspective, they just want the page to load on a smartphone or a tablet and for it all to work, and that’s exactly what our web developers can do for you.



Are you thinking about investing in SEO?


If you want to improve your company’s search engine optimisation, then your company website must offer a good user experience. Here are some of the ways that you can improve your companies U.X:

–            Have a responsive website

–            Reduce company’s bounce rate

–            Improve dwell time.

Do you need a new website designed?

If you own a business here in Cardiff, Wales, and you would like to improve your company’s digital marketing, here’s how we can help:

–            WordPress web design

–            CMS web design

–            Local search engine optimisation

–            Organic search engine optimisation

–            Social media marketing


Why choose W&P?

We have been designing top-quality, well-designed websites for local businesses for over 10 years. If you would like a website designed, contact our highly skilled web designers today.


Why today your business should have a “responsive website.”

Web Design


Sometimes, when you get a quote from a web design agency, they will send a detailed breakdown of what they can offer as a business within a PDF document. Sometimes, there can be so much jargon, saying that they can offer super fast hosting, a well-designed content management system, and a responsive website.

Therefore, often, the company director’s eyes quickly switch to the quote and may go with the company that seems to be offering the best deal.

However, sometimes, low web design quotes exclude a lot of what you need as a business. For example, in the fine print, it might state that they charge extra to make the website responsive.

In our view, this is a bit like a car dealer specifying a price yet then saying, well, later on, that price doesn’t include the wheels or tyres on the car. Just as tyres are essential to a vehicle, having a mobile-responsive website designed is crucial as well.


What is a “responsive website.”

The great Steve Jobs designed tablets, and now many people use smartphones to find local businesses and products they want to buy. This is more convenient for the customer, yet from a web design perspective, web designers globally must now also make sure that the website works on tablets, desktops, and smartphones with different operating systems, such as Android and Apple iPhones.

The phone must “snap” and be responsive to the size of various screens, from a small iPhone to a tablet or a giant desktop screen. Therefore, the website must be responsive and “mobile-ready.”


Google’s Mobile First Indexing

Google’s brilliant algorithm made the move to “mobile-first indexing”—sounds complicated, right? Well, it’s not really. It just means that Googlebot, the bot that does Google’s crawling and indexing, crawls the mobile version of your website before the desktop version.

So, we are making a point that Google’s algorithms now prioritise mobile indexing. First, the website must be responsive. Still, more than that, excellent web designers, UX designers, and developers must constantly improve the user experience, making the website faster and simpler to use.

This often means that for large e-commerce businesses, hundreds of hours of “split testing” are needed to refine the design and improve it.

So it’s a bit like a whiskey maker; they have to perfect their way of distilling whiskey to get the taste, well spot on. This is the same with a website; you can spend hundreds of hours designing it and writing Javascript until you are so tired you fall off your chair sideways, yet what matters is what your customers think of the website. Do they find it simple to use? Are they spending a long time on your website because they like the products and the valuable information you offer? Or is the bounce rate sky-high? Because your web designers have made the website difficult to use?


So, here are some of the reasons why your company needs a well-designed mobile version of your company website:

Improved User Experience

UX is now an important part of search engine optimisation and web design. Google uses something called “Google’s RankBrain”—artificial intelligence—to decipher how well your business is answering that query.

For example, is the shopper spending a long time on your website? Is the “dwell time” therefore very high?

What’s the bounce rate like?

Was your business the last company clicked on in the search engine results pages (SERPs)? Therefore, did you answer the customer’s question or provide the customer with the product that they wished to purchase? Or did the customer return to

Google’s SERPs to have to go to another business to find the item they wanted?

Google’s RankBrain uses this data from hundreds, if not millions, of shoppers who use Google Chrome and Android devices to decipher how happy shoppers are with your website.


Better Conversion Rates

If your website is more straightforward to use, for example, a shopper shopping for an item well on the train on the way home from work can find what they want quickly, they are more likely to purchase from you.

If, on the other hand, it’s challenging to find an item or the website takes a very long time to load onto a smartphone, the bounce rate may increase. So, it’s not just about having a responsive website; it must also be straightforward.


Faster Load Times

Whichever web design agency you hire must design a website that is super-fast. This means that the website must be fast whether the shopper is shopping on a desktop, mobile, or tablet.

Increased Engagement

If expert web designers have designed your company website well, they will know that a well-designed website will have a higher dwell time. Plus, also the website will have a lower bounce rate. This means that because the website is so simple, shoppers will continue shopping for longer. However, if the website is poorly designed by your web designers, for example, it’s slow, or the main menu is just complicated to use, then what can happen is the business will rank lower in Google’s SERPs.

Improved Analytics

If your company website is well designed, you will help shoppers get to the products or services they want much more simply. If your website is a piece of cake to use, then this can improve dwell time, which many SEO consultants and web design companies believe has a positive impact on the company’s organic search engine optimisation.


How we can help

We are based in Cardiff’s city centre, in South Wales. We differ from many other web designers in offering quotes included in our fee to design a responsive and mobile-ready website. So, where some web design agencies can charge more than 1k to make a brochure WordPress website responsive, we actually include this within our fee.

Our websites, therefore, offer Welsh businesses amazing value for money. We can design a 7-page high-quality WordPress website for as little as £950.00, so it’s clear why our U.X designers, web developers, and WordPress web designers are busy throughout the year designing high-quality, amazing websites for local businesses.

We also have some of the best SEO consultants working in-house, meaning that once your brand new CMS website has been fully designed, we can start work straightaway on improving your business’s organic and local SEO.


Why the success of your business SEO is directly connected to how well your website has been designed


As with all things in life, you get what you pay for, a cheap mattress equals a bad back, cheap shoes often equals discomfort, and a cheap website can usually mean, well, corners get cut.

What we mean by that is that often, the website will be relatively essential if you pay a pittance for it. This has knock-on effects on your business’s search engine optimisation, meaning more work—sometimes vast amounts of work—is needed because proper SEO work can start.


And what do we mean by proper SEO work?

Low-quality spam marketing may need to be rewritten, duplicate content removed, alt text changed, on-page SEO improved, and spammy anchor text. Hundreds of hours are sometimes required, not to improve a business’s SEO but to get the website to the point where the website is not deemed spam by Google.

So, if you pay cheaply, you often have to fork out more to improve the website later on down the road. That’s if you want to improve your business’s organic search engine optimisation. You may want to; you may be happy with no organic traffic and just direct shoppers to your site by word of mouth or, say, a business card.

However, most businesses want to rank highly on Google and to do so; your website must be well-designed.

Website design and your business SEO are interconnected and here is why



You need to create a positive user experience; to do that, the website must be well-designed. To be well designed, you need to offer helpful information written with the guidance set out by Google E-EAT in mind. Plus, the website must provide a good user experience, so be fast, responsive, and simple to use.

If the website, on the other hand, has a low dwell time and a high bounce rate, the website will rank lower in Google’s results.

So, for a business’s organic search engine optimisation to be a success, these are some of the attributes the site must have:

– Be super fast
– Be mobile friendly
– Needs well-written content marketing
– Be simple to use
– Must have quality backlinks
– Work well on mobiles and tablets, as well as desktops
– Must be a white hat


The content marketing needs to be of good quality

It’s well worth paying extra for a really good digital marketing agency, such as ours, to write the content marketing for you when the website is initially being designed. So, ask your web designers if they have copywriters.

If they do, hire the best copywriter to write the content marketing, as this can get your business’s SEO off on the right footing from the very start. It simply means Googlebot, when it first crawls and indexes your website, will see that each page should be well written, helpful, and written in accordance with Google E-EAT.

Then, Googlebot will tell Google’s algorithm that the website has good quality, white-hat content marketing. This simply means that your website should be indexed by Google in a higher position.

So, if your web designers do not have copywriters working for them or do not offer the service of writing the text, consider choosing another web design agency.

If they do have copywriters working for the agency, ask whether the content marketing will be written in accordance with Google E-EAT. This is absolutely essential.

Only hire web design agencies that write content marketing using white hat methods in accordance with Google’s


Webmaster Guidelines and Google E-EAT.

It is well-designed but also keeps technical SEO in mind.

Sure, the website must look good; otherwise, the bounce rate will go sky-high. However, with that said, you must consider the website’s technical SEO. So make sure the site architecture is good, all pages can get indexed, and you have good website security in place.


In conclusion, here’s why you should choose W&P.

We have designed WordPress websites for local Welsh businesses for over ten years. We have also been offering SEO services, so we are well placed as a business to create a fantastic website for your company and help improve your company’s organic SEO.

With web design prices starting from £950.00 and SEO packages starting from just £600 a month, we have a digital marketing agency to call.

We can also offer to design a website for your business, with WordPress web design packages starting from just £950.00.

We are the Cardiff web design business to call. We have two WordPress designers with over ten years of experience designing high-quality WordPress websites, so call us today.


What are the best WordPress contact forms? Which plugins does your web design agency use?


When you think of one of the most important elements of any website, it is undoubtably the contact form. Without this, your customers could not send you a message to enquire about the products or services you sell.

We have used WordPress contact forms on numerous websites that we have built. Often, the customer wants them placed in the footer or the side of every page. When they have a brochure website built, some customers sometimes want a Contact Us form on the Contact Us page.


So, what exactly is a WordPress contact form plugin?

A contact form is simply an embedded form on the page, and web designers can design as many fields as possible. For example, you may have a field for contact number, name, and e-mail and a drop-down box to direct the message to the right person within your company.

How to protect your new WordPress website contact form from spam messages

It’s important to note that even if you use the most sophisticated honeypot systems and anti-spam filters, your contact form is not impenetrable. Spam bots, the really good ones, can often still work out ways around the spam filters and then send you messages.



this is one of the oldest but still one of the best methods of trying to minimise the amount of spam messages a business gets. That’s to use reCAPTCHA messages to stop spam. What reCAPTCHA asks the shopper to complete a quick task, such as “click on the pictures of cats”- this is simple for us humans, but some spambots will struggle to complete this simple task.


Honeypot trap.

So, a honeypot trap occurs when a spam bot fills out a hidden contact form. The spam filter knows that it’s a spam message because it is not visible to the shopper.


Contact form 7

This is only one of the most commonly used contact forms on WordPress. It currently has well over 5 million active installations, so this is one of the reasons why our web design company regularly uses Contact Form 7: It’s one of the most popular contact forms, and it has regular updates as well.

There is even a free version of Contact Form 7 for your business to use.


WordPress WP Forms Lite

This is another free or paid-for plugin that’s really good. WordPress web design agencies across the world use it. It’s light, brilliant, and very simple to install.


A very good plugin used by many web developers is Forminator. It’s very simple to install. It’s brilliant, and if you want to upgrade to the paid version, it doesn’t cost that much to do at all.

So, which WordPress contact forms does your marketing agency frequently install on your customers’ websites?


Ninja Contact Form (WordPress)

Like most WordPress web developers, we use Ninja Contact Forms. It’s a great contact form that is simple to set up and install.


Gravity Forms

We also highly recommend trying Gravity Forms. It’s simple to set up, and there are many different options for altering the form’s functionality.


We highly recommend WPForms

On the vast majority of brochure websites we build, whether for a used car dealership or, say, a carpet shop, WPForms is excellent because it suits most businesses. It’s very simple to install, has a range of really useful features, and even comes with anti-spam filtering.


Do your research by reading blogs like this.

Read articles like this to learn about the different available contact forms.

Choosing the correct contact form for your business is essential because if you make it too hard for a customer to contact you, you will likely abandon filling in the form altogether. This contributes to a higher bounce rate, meaning not only could you be potentially missing out on sales, Google’s algorithm will pick up on the high bounce rate and low time spent on the site, and Google’s algorithms are likely to rank the website much lower on Google’s organic ranks over time.

So, instead, make sure that your company website offers a good UX. One way to do this is to ensure that the Contact Us forms are super simple.


Customise the form.

Then, it’s time to customise the form. You want to capture as much information from the shopper as you need, yet you don’t want to make the form too time-consuming for the customer; otherwise, the bounce rate is likely to increase.

So, make sure you capture only the information you need with the minimum number of boxes. For example, if you sell cars, just a phone number, e-mail, and the vehicle’s model are all a sales representative will need to make the call and clinch the sale.


Make sure that you set up some protection.

We recently worked on a customer’s website. They had a WordPress website to serve their business, which operated in Newport and Cardiff, which is in South Wales. We worked each month on improving the business’s search engine optimisation, so for those who do not know, the business simply wants to rank higher in Google’s organic results.

Yet the web developer didn’t set up a spam filter on the website, so we found that the customer was getting a spam message every 10 minutes.

This flooded the business’s inbox, so much so that it filled the whole inbox with spam. So, as you can see, unless this is fixed quickly, and we did fix it, the customer could have missed out on sales. Plus, the customer is likely to have received a “failed to send” automated reply, frustrating the customer.

So, do talk to your web designers and say that when they design the website, whether it be using Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, or any content management system, make sure that they set up anti-spam, whether it be honeypot or a different kind of anti-spam such as reCAPTCHA.

Do you own a Cardiff business and require web design services or help improve your company’s search engine optimisation (SEO)?
If so, do call us. We have been building WordPress content management systems for many different Welsh companies for over ten years, so we have experience working on everything from dentists’ websites to construction companies’ websites. Our websites are high-quality, well-designed, and affordable, so call our web designers today.


Are excessive amount of WordPress plugins potentially damaging your website’s organic SEO performance?


When you initially build a new WordPress website, you might be over the moon with the design and pat the web designers on the back saying “great job”. However, a lot of unnecessary plugins installed within WordPress CMS might be installed.

This in the long run, could hamper your business’s SEO performance. This can significantly hold back the website’s organic visibility because Google’s search engine algorithms might will rank your company website for slow loading times which cause a poor U.X (user experience). A slow website can deter potential customers and affect your business’s online presence and the success of your businesses search engine optimisation.


Page Builder Plugins

Which page builder plugin do you have installed?

We would say it’s widespread, and very common for many WordPress CMS websites to be built with a page builder plugin. This is not necessarily bad thing, but it does depends on which page builder is used and how light it is.

Some page builders could hamper the page load speed, or is it quite a light page builder, allowing it to load effortlessly and quickly?


Google’s Core Web Vitals and why this is important

When you consult with a top-notch SEO professional or a reputable web design agency within Cardiff, they will stress the importance of page load speed. They are also likely to mention “Google’s Core Web Vitals” and “GT Metrics” page load speed. These experts can guide you in understanding and enhancing your website’s performance. In simple terms, do you want your website to be a high-performance machine like a sports car cruising down the highway at high speed, or a sluggish, outdated vehicle in the slow lane?

The choice is yours, but it’s crucial to prioritise making your website fast and efficient. This is why so many Welsh businesses, come to us, to get a website designed. We have two web designers that now have over 10 years experience building WordPress websites.

So, significant consideration needs to be paid to making your website ultra fast. If, for example, an excessive amount of JavaScript is used, or too many plugins are bloating the website, or the web designers say the page load speed is bad, then this could negatively impact the business’s organic SEO for sure.

So, do make sure of the following:

  • Your company website loads fast
  • You use Google Core Web Vitals to make improvements
  • Use GT Metrics as often as once a week to make sure your website is fast
  • Purchase very high quality website hosting
  • Make sure the website is balance of good design, that’s ultra fast
  • Talk to your web designers about getting an AMP version of the website designed
  • Talk to your web design agency about the different hosting they can offer, and what’s the fastest they can offer you


Delete and remove redundant WordPress plugins

It is possible to still have installed a WordPress plugin, within the backend of your WordPress CMS that you no longer use or need, that is contributing to your company website having extremely slow load speeds. If you have a WordPress plugin that that you no longer use, for example, a map within a page you’ve removed, it’s best to delete it to avoid unnecessary bloat and improve your website’s performance.

Should we delete plugins which slowing the website down?

Hold your horses, therefore, just a second. Even though plugins can slow your website down, they are sometimes crucial to its design and construction. Thus, if you start to remove them all, the new website may go haywire and break and no longer function!

Therefore, you need to think of plugins a bit like fuses within your car; that’s if you start to remove them, and then the car’s electrics will not function as you want. These are the same for WordPress plugins for a brand new website;if you begin to remove them when they are crucial to the design, and then the website might no longer function as expected.

Therefore, you have two options: using WordPress plug-ins, which could potentially slow down the website, or hiring an expert web developer to start writing unique code for your website.
The web designer / web developer might need to write PHP code, JavaScript, or perhaps another language to get the functionality and design you want.

Therefore, plugins are often used because they are free and quick to install; however, hiring an expert website developer for weeks on end is something that some businesses can’t do because it can get expensive for some companies.


Do you require a brand-new website to be designed?

Businesses from all across Wales flock to W & P Web Design for a straightforward reason: We design fantastic websites that impress you and your customers, and our professional web design services can significantly improve your online marketing.

Whether you require a website designed using Drupal, WordPress, or another content management system, we can often create a fantastic and stunning website for your Welsh company, often in less than one month.

With prices starting from just 950, you can quickly obtain an excellent website designed by our expert web designers.

How much does it cost to get a brochure website designed in the United Kingdom?


Perhaps you’re an entrepreneur about to launch a brand new business. On the other hand, you might be an established company that’s been operating in Wales for over 30 years. We have a wide range of businesses contact us for our web design services.

One of the most frequent questions is why web design quotes vary significantly.
Customers sometimes feel like they’re comparing apples with pears when one e-mail quotes £1k for a 7-page website while another business quotes over £ 5k.

So, it’s hard for some businesses to decide which web design company to choose.
However, as highly experienced web designers, we can help explain why web design quotes differ so much here in Cardiff.


Would you like a freelancer to design your new website?

Freelancers by a country mile are often the cheapest option when designing a new website for your business. The reason for this is simple: usually, the large agencies have such high overhead due to fancy offices in an inner city area, and often, they will have admin staff, front of house, and also many other costs.

With a freelancer, you’re taking all the costs away, especially if the freelancer works from home. So, what you’re getting is a website that can be well designed and often look brilliant at less cost.

The downside is that web designers often get very busy at two periods during the year. Those timeframes are during Christmas and the build-up to it and also before the summer. Often, these are key times for, say, construction businesses or e-commerce businesses in the lead-up to Christmas.

A freelancer can often get overwhelmed with too much work and enquiries, so the turnaround time to complete the web design might sometimes take too long. However, this becomes much simpler to manage with an agency of ten-plus staff.

Also, some freelancers might be one trick ponies, meaning they only design websites in WordPress, Drupal or Wix. However, when you pick a web design agency, they will often have multiple web designers who are highly experienced at designing websites using various content management systems.


Small agency

A small web design agency often offers the best of both worlds. You often don’t have to wait as long to get a website designed as you would if you were to pick a freelancer.

At the same time, a small web design agency with, say, seven or fewer staff doesn’t have the same overheads as a web design agency in Cardiff city centre or Cardiff Bay, which employs 50+ staff. Therefore, it has massive overheads. Regardless of the design, the brochure website often has to have a minimum pricing structure of 5k before they agree to design a brand new website.
A large agency

Some businesses often have no option but to choose a large agency. The reason is that if they are a medium to large company, they will often have fierce online competition. For example, an online electrical retailer will face massive competition, and a few leading brands might dominate the market.

Therefore, a company that wants to compete with these often needs help with its digital marketing, such as improving the business’s organic search engine optimisation, helping with the company’s branding, and using split testing, sometimes called A/B testing, to refine and improve the website.

Therefore, in large web design agencies, you often have SEO consultants, web developers, web designers, social media account managers, account coordinators, PPC or Google Adwords experts, and managers to keep everything on track. So, as you can see, these web design businesses often can’t even come close to the cost that a freelancer can offer to design a website.


In conclusion

We hope that this article clarifies why web design costs can vary so much here in South Wales. As highly experienced web designers, we can assist you if your company requires a brand-new website.

We design the following websites:

-Drupal website
– Joomlas websites
– WordPress websites


Why not contact us for a free and no-obligation quote:
We have an amiable team of staff on hand to help you if your business needs help to improve its search engine optimisation or if you require a brand new website to be designed.


A guide to choosing the right platform for your new business website


Most websites designed by web designers these days are built on what web designers call a “content management system.” This tool empowers business owners, allowing them to make simple changes to their website without the need for coding experience or web design knowledge.

You might think, well, is that not like us web designers shooting ourselves in the foot?

Why would you offer a CMS where businesses can edit the design themselves?

Well, the answer is simple. Most businesses in Cardiff want a quality website built, which often takes many weeks. This often involves many people, web developers, web designers, and sometimes SEO experts as well. This is where all the “heavy lifting” is done, so to speak.

Then, often, the business wants a CMS so that they can make fine adjustments or change, let’s say, the companies’ addresses themselves.

Most content management systems allow that and make it a piece of cake.



WordPress, a content management system we frequently recommend, is a popular choice among businesses in Cardiff. Its user-friendly interface and versatility make it a top pick for many.

WordPress has been around for donkey years, and in that time, it has evolved into a masterpiece. It’s well-designed and simple to update, and brilliant company websites can be designed using this CMS.
In fact, it’s so good that we don’t often have to recommend WordPress to clients. They say to us that they want this content management system. Often, they have been familiar with its Dashboard and simply want a redesign or a brand new website designed using the content management system.

Plus, if you’re thinking of improving your company’s search engine optimisation and looking for a CMS that offers a lot of functionality, such as making it simple to update meta titles and descriptions, add internal links and anchor text, and edit the alt text, then we often recommend WordPress.



Wix, launched in 2006, is known for its user-friendly drag-and-drop system. This feature makes it a preferred choice for businesses, especially start-ups, who want to design their websites with ease.

Often, this platform is used by businesses, such as start-ups, that may want to design the website themselves.



Joomla is a very popular content management system countless web design companies use worldwide.

It’s an open-source platform, and it’s offered for free. It’s a bit like WordPress in that it’s open-source software.

Joomla, a popular choice among web designers and businesses, is known for its robust security features. These include regular updates to address any vulnerabilities, providing users with peace of mind.



Many businesses use Drupal, which can be used and scaled with any company. You can also build completely bespoke websites using Drupal.
Plus, the great thing about Drupal is that there’s a considerable amount of dedicated Drupal web developers who offer a massive amount of helpful advice if you ever need it.

Always have a long chat with your web designers before making a choice

When you visit your web designers, they will most likely have designed websites using various content management systems.

They may have designed websites using WordPress, Drupal, Wix, etc., so ask the following questions before choosing a CMS for your business.



Ask to see the Dashboards of different content management systems to see which one you find the easiest to use and best matches your business’s requirements.

So, for example, plan on doing a lot of blogging?

Blogging and adding new company news updates is essential for improving a business’s search engine optimisation. Some businesses, say, a solicitor’s practice, may well be adding a long article every single week of the year. So, do ask to see the dashboard on different CMS and see if your staff or you, the director, find the process of adding text, such as new blog posts, simple to do.

If you were to ask us which CMS we often recommend to most of our customers, we have to say WordPress. We say that because the Dashboard is so simple to use.

Why are so many businesses choosing a WordPress website that’s “headless”?

Written by: Bob Hoskins
Date: 01/08/2024
Topic: Web Design Cardiff


WordPress as a headless CMS might sound like a mouthful, but trust us, it’s a game-changer. If you’ve been using WordPress for blogging, you’re missing its superpowers. Let’s dive into what a headless CMS is, why WordPress rocks in this role, and how it can supercharge your website.

So, there’s a bit of a buzzword among web designers at the moment: design a “headless” website. And, well, it’s a game-changer. We shall explain why having a well-designed “headless” website could benefit your business.
What is a headless CMS, anyway?

So, what exactly is a “headless” content management system?

So, we will have to get a bit technical here but bear with us as we elaborate. Quite put, a headless website is a type of content management (CMS) for short, where the front end, the part the shopper sees, is decoupled from the back end, which is the part web developers use to design the website.

What this means, in a nutshell, is that you display your website on apps, websites, etc.

Are you still confused?

Let us elaborate a bit more.

What are the main benefits of going headless for your WordPress website?

Here are the main benefits of gaining a headless WordPress website for your business:

You can use different designs for the front end; for example design used Vue.js

Faster, well, it can be supersonic to be fair

Excellent web developers can deliver your content through some things web designers call an API. This means that this increases how fast the website is; therefore, opting for a headless WordPress website can help to improve the website’s UX user experience.

So, how does a headless website work?

Step 1: Obtain a WordPress website

Your web developers will need to enable Rest API. It’s important to know that WordPress actually comes with a built-in Rest API. In layman’s terms, this means that content, such as the homepage, can be fetched using JSON data, which can be used anywhere.


The next stage is to choose your front end

So, often, a web designer will use either React, Angular, or another popular option, Vue.JS, which then allows the web developers to start designing the front end of your new headless website.

You then fetch the content via an API

Your web designers can then request the API fetch the content; for example, many web design agencies rely on REST API to pull the content directly from WordPress.

Display the content

Then, using the REST API, you can directly place the content onto front-end technology. Therefore you will then gain a headless WordPress website.

React. app

Many businesses globally are using WordPress to gain a fast e-commerce website managed by WordPress, yet because it’s headless, you can use React—app to display your products.


In conclusion

There’s one thing for sure: Customers and web design companies alike will be talking about headless CMS websites for a very long time to come. You will be able to use WordPress CMS, which web designers all over the world like using, yet now you can get the front end to display on apps.

So whether you want a headless website to improve your SEO performance, gain a faster website, or perhaps improve security, we can help you gain a headless WordPress website and improve your web design.
With prices starting from £950.00, it’s clear why our web designers work their socks off throughout the year. Every month, our web developers design brochure websites for many well-known Cardiff businesses. They come to us because we offer unbelievable value for money.

So, if you’re on Google now looking for “Cardiff web design businesses”, do call us; we have a range of packages available. Do call our expert team today.

High-quality websites designed for just £950.00

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.