How does your web design agency see digital marketing agencies evolving in the future?

October 4, 2024
Posted in Blog
October 4, 2024

How does your web design agency see digital marketing agencies evolving in the future?


Date: 04/October/2024
Subject: Digital Marketing Agencies



They say you must “adapt to survive, ” which applies to most business. Of course, some rare products of exceptionally high quality don’t change as time passes.

Working in digital marketing is not just a profession that you can let the grass grow under your feet, it’s a dynamic field that demands constant change and evolution (you need to be very much on your toes). It’s not just about keeping up with the latest trends but also about being astute and adaptable. This adaptability is not just a skill; it’s a necessity that keeps us ahead of the curve in our field.


For example:

– Google’s algorithms are constantly changing so SEO consultants must adapt
– Websites are getting more and more complex, so highly skilled web developers are needed to code ever more complex websites
– Social media posts are needed in abundance, so social media managers must work their cotton socks off!
Understanding the best ways to market a business, identifying the target market, and maximising the marketing budget are all part of the game. As digital marketing professionals, we’re always ready to adapt and evolve, ensuring we deliver winning solutions for our clients.



As digital marketing agencies, we must be forward-thinking and innovative. Whether it’s creating excellent social media posts, writing evergreen content, or designing a brilliant website, we must demonstrate our ability to create something fantastic within our marketing budget.

Demonstrated expertise & Google E-EAT

There are a million and one web design agencies to pick from; however, ever since the emergence of the Google E-EAT updates, you must pick a web design agency that can demonstrate your business’s expertise in terms of whatever you are writing about.

This could be the text applied to the main pages, publishing a YouTube video integrated onto each page, or infographics that your business produces. You need to demonstrate your business’s strong expertise in your business sector.

This will do several beneficial things to your business’s SEO, namely it will help to reduce the bounce rate. It will also demonstrate to Google’s algorithm that your company knows what your talking about. This will, therefore, improve your business’s organic search engine optimisation.

Therefore, the point you’re trying to make is that in the future, we can see more and more digital marketing agencies being chosen where they can design a fantastic website. Yet, they also have in-house copywriters who are experts in that particular business sector. Whether it be the automotive business sector, construction or perhaps the pharmaceutical industry, we can see digital marketing agencies which are highly

specialised working in business niche.


Growth in specialised marketing agencies / web designers

We think there will be growth in these marketing agencies that operate in just one business sector, such as construction for example. We say this because there are two major Google algorithm updates: “The Google Helpful Content Update” and the “Google E-EAT” update.
Therefore, Google’s algorithm is most definitely looking at placing content marketing on the first page of the SERP’s, that can demonstrate that the author has real expertise and knows what they are talking about.


Faster pace

It used to be the case that, say, a business located in Cardiff would work on improving its SEO once a week.
As we all know, the Google Business results have significantly reduced, often down to 3 packs of business results And also, the organic listings, it’s now fiercely competitive to get your business listed in the organic SERP’s.

Therefore, businesses will need to partner with digital marketing agencies which know the stuff in terms of SEO, but can also have the capability to implement the work at a faster pace.


WordPress will get even more popular

As a very highly experienced web design company, we have seen various content management systems come and go over the years. Some companies have had huge marketing budgets to promote the new launch of a new CMS, yet they may not be around for that long. Sometimes the up-take is just not there, and these CMS systems, then fail.

We think on the other hand businesses will choose more well-known content management systems, such as WordPress, in the future and go with a CMS that’s proven, popular and just simply high quality.

What we mean by that is that WordPress is proven and trusted; therefore, we think many businesses realise that they don’t want to put their faith in a CMS that is just starting out. It might struggle to get regular updates and might be full of glitches- so people instead are turning to more well known CMS like WordPress.

This is why more and more company directors insist on our designers using WordPress, which has become a reliable and well-known content management system.


Original thinking

Artificial intelligence is great, but many web designers are saying how freethinking is it in reality?

So, for example, if its writing about the same topic, you could argue that its stating the same thing or similar text to different users, just using slightly different wording.

Original thinking is not just a valuable asset in digital marketing; it’s a game-changer. Businesses with an excellent organic SEO can leverage highly experienced copywriters to write work that shows orginal perspective.




As we all know, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising website design and content marketing, including social media posts. This technology is a handy marketing tool and a game-changer in the digital marketing landscape.

Some businesses might heavily rely on artificial intelligence, but many marketing agencies like ours are taking a more hybrid approach.
We are learning how to use these language models but not wholly integrating them into our marketing strategies.

For example, our content is written by a copywriter (yes, we still produce blog posts the old-fashioned way!). However, artificial intelligence (AI) profoundly impacts how marketing agencies implement their work.


In the next ten years, we can expect to see A. I evolving to a point where it has become an indispensable tool in digital marketing. The potential of AI to generate ideas, provide suggestions, and assist in everyday tasks is truly exciting.
It’s like having a creative partner who never runs out of ideas, and we can’t wait to see how this will revolutionise the digital marketing landscape and how we design websites.


The human touch

Whether writing content marketing or designing a new PHP website, the human touch will still be required. Mortal humans will still be needed to truly understand the business and its customers and direct the A.I., so we don’t think web designers are out of a job anytime soon.


Rise in wearables

We can see the introduction of wearable glasses, which allow people to ask questions directly to the glasses, which will have artificial intelligence built into them.


So, for example, you might say how to make a chicken korma from scratch, then start getting the instructions through audio built into the glasses or step-by-step instructions through the glass’s lenses.


We think that web design will involve much more videography, and businesses also have to offer more helpful information, via YouTube, which could be replicated and displayed through, say, glasses or


Basic websites will not cut it.

We think your boring, bland websites are going straight out of the window; you can see many more websites to be more engaging.
We think that people’s attention spans are getting shorter. In the future, people will not want to read blog posts like this as much, so you have to combine videography to explain what you are talking about; we also have websites offering more audio.


What do you see as the future of copywriting?

When you look at digital marketing agencies today, many have reduced the headcount of their copywriting teams sometimes substantially. You might have gone on an SEO agency’s offices, or a website design office five years ago, and they have over 20 staff as full-time copywriters.

Fast-forward to today, the copywriting teams of these same web design or digital marketing agencies will be reduced to one or two staff members- but why?


Why is this?

This is because generative AI language models using artificial intelligence are used to create content marketing.

However, our best advice is this: Hold your horses. We think the copywriting, which takes much longer to write, written manually by copywriters is still much better content marketing, as it can show original thinking.


Engagement metrics

So, if we were to say the most crucial point of this whole article, it would be this: In the past, SEO agencies concentrated on improving a website’s ranking factors, such as building backlinks, which is still essential.


Yet one of the most crucial seo signals out there to improve is engagement metrics, such as:

  • Reducing bounce rates
  • This boils down to factors such as the bounce rate, time on site, and user engagement.
  • So, the algorithm asks questions such as:
  • How long does the shopper spend on the website?
  • How many pages have they visited?
  • Have they purchased an item?

Now, for those who know a thing or two about organic SEO and read blog posts about this subject daily, they will know that Google’s algorithms are already calculating engagement and therefore this is incorporating it into their algorithms (Google RankBrain).
However, the point you’re trying to make here is that we believe these engagement signals become increasingly important.


Helpful content marketing

If you were to sit down with some SEO agency owners who implemented SEO 10 years ago, they would say that content marketing is all about sprinkling keywords within the page.

Writing keywords into sentences to try and get the page to rank for that particular keyword is now considered basic, low-quality SEO that no longer cuts the mustard. The whole concept of writing content marketing has been turned entirely on its head.

It’s now about being as super helpful as possible. Copywriters must be diligent and write copy that their audiences can find valuable and helpful.

As we alluded to earlier in this article, it’s all about engagement—keeping that shopper on your website longer. To keep the shopper’s interest, you must offer helpful advice.

That advice must be helpful and often presented in various ways, such as video, text, and audio.

It’s a funny crossroads, so to speak when it comes to content marketing.

We would argue that attention spans are becoming shorter and shorter. Yet, there’s more and more content marketing that shoppers can read, watch, and listen to that is published by so many more online companies.

So, your content marketing is in constant fierce competition with other businesses to compete for attention from shoppers.

How do you stand out in this crowded marketplace?

The answer that you need to emerge and show yourself as the absolute expert in what you do.


We think that the future of digital marketing is for marketing agencies to work heavily with companies to promote a unique selling point.

E-commerce businesses operate in fiercely competitive business sectors. Therefore, marketing agencies must consider a business’s USP and how to differentiate themselves from other brands in that sector.

For example, if you sell mountain bikes and your competitors offer a delivery time between 3 and 5 days, can your business offer delivery the next day?

If so, this needs to be heavily promoted on the website and in the meta titles to improve the click-through rate.

Therefore, marketing agencies need to consider how to get your business to stand out in this crowded and competitive marketplace.



Bullet trains, 5G mobile, and next-day delivery of items, the world is speeding up, and people want things done and completed faster than ever.

This is the same as your company website, its not as good enough to have a fast website, you now need an ultrafast website. This mean the business needs to be constantly looking at ways to make the page load faster, make the code lean, and instantly snap the website onto a smartphone in the blink of an eye.


  • SEO
  • Social media
  • Design
  • Development
  • Hosting
  • Copywriting


We think the wearables definitely are going to become more popular, without a doubt. At the moment wearables are often used to track exercise, and offer satellite navigation on say a watch. We haven’t seen much of an uptake in wearable glasses that supply information to the person.

We think we will begin to see a massive up take in terms of wearables. We now have a 5G signal, which offers a robust Internet connection. We think we will see an uptake in wearables over the next three years.


Contact us for high-quality web design;

We design amazing websites at affordable prices. Most of our websites are created using the content management system WordPress, which allows us to create fast, sleek, and impressive websites.

If you want to partner with our leading digital marketing agency, contact us today for a no-obligation quotation.


High-quality websites designed for just £950.00

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.