Marketing - Web Development - Photography


What We Do
About Brooklyn

Content Management Systems

It’s important that your business has a content management system that you find simple and straightforward to use. Often, businesses need to log in, perhaps to update the website’s CMS. Also, you may not want to be 100% reliant on your web designers for making simple, straightforward changes to the text, so many leading CMS, such as WordPress, have a Dashboard area. This Dashboard is a user-friendly interface that allows you to manage your website’s content, design, and functionality without needing to delve into the technical aspects of web development.

When you log into the Dashboard, say, the WordPress dashboard, it’s simple to change some wording on the about us page on your website.

This is why WordPress is used by millions of businesses worldwide; it’s a super simple CMS. If you want a content management system with an interface called a Dashboard where you can make some straightforward edits to the text, then we recommend WordPress.


Web Design

W&P Designs

14 Museum Place

City Centre Cardiff

CF10 3BH

We build our websites fast.

We understand the urgency and excitement that comes with starting a new business. The last thing you want is to be left waiting for months on end for a website. That’s why we’re here to offer a solution that gets your website up and running as soon as possible, relieving you of the long wait.

For your more straightforward brochure websites, let’s say 10 pages or less, we aim to turn around in less than one month, demonstrating our commitment to efficient service.
This is why so many start-up businesses choose W&P web design. We mostly design WordPress CMS. Our prices for a 7-page WordPress website start from £950.00, offering amazing value for money.

Why we think WordPress is the way to go

When most directors and marketing managers call us, we often recommend WordPress. We recommend WordPress for both E-commerce and brochure websites; it’s a brilliant, well-designed content management system. We would say at our web design agency, over 80% of the websites we design and build are built using the content management system, that is WordPress.

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About Brooklyn
"If you need a new website designed for your business, then talk to us the experts when it comes to SEO and website design. We can build a brilliant brochure website for your business for just £950."

United Themes – Theme Development Brooklyn
Our Service

Content management systems development

The content management system (CMS for short) is a bit like what an engine is to a car- it runs so everything else can work from it. So, it is the driving force, that makes everything work.

WordPress therefore runs the script which allows the website the work, WordPress uses PHP.

Web designers within Cardiff which build affordable websites

We can design websites using a wide variety of different content management systems, from Drupal through to using WordPress and Woocommerce.

However, various businesses call us each week, and often ask us to create a website using WordPress.

There is a good reason why WordPress CMS is so popular, thats because by a country mile, it’s one of the most popular content management systems on the planet. Therefore, many businesses will be looking for a redesign using the same CMS because they will now be familiar with how this particular CMS works.

Simple to use dashboard

The dashboard is another name for what is often described as the WordPress websites administration panel. This panel allows you to make simple changes to your company website.

For example, if you have moved the address, you could simply log into the WP Dashboard, in a matter of seconds, you could rewrite and edit the address or phone number on most WordPress websites.

Quality website built quickly.

At our web design agency, we have some seriously highly talented web designers and developers; some have over ten years of knowledge of building PHP websites, and they can create high-quality websites for a few businesses.

We can create a high-quality WordPress website in a short period of time, we can design a website often in less than one month, with a starting price of just £950.00.

Therefore, if you’re setting up a brand-new company in Cardiff, you might want local web designers to set up the website, write all of the text, and offer ongoing online marketing services, then we can help you with this.

This is why many people come to our web design agency here within Cardiff.

We should usually recommend WordPress.

Some web designers choose a CMS that is not widely used. To be cynical, you might say that they do this because when those glitches, and problems need to be fixed, there’s not many designers in that city who have experience of that CMS. So, this may mean you keep returning to the same website designers for help to rectify those issues.

Now, our approach to web design is entirely different. We recommend WordPress to most of our clients, which is widely used worldwide.

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems under the sun.

WordPress is widely used by millions of businesses, ranging from global brands through to many small businesses.

This is one of the reasons we like WordPress at our web design agency: it’s popular for a good reason, the Dashboard is simple to use, and brillant websites, can be built using WordPress CMS.

Dashboard, which is a piece of cake to use

When you log into the admin or administration area of somes websites, they can be an absolute headache to navigate and difficult to use. Sometimes these content management systems are designed and built by the web design agency. Then if they dont receive updates, they become full of glitches. So, you guessed it often the website needs redesigning!

However, with WordPress its an absolute piece of cake for somebody with no coding knowledge to run updates on plugins or WP itself. Also, just with a few clicks, you can back-up the entire website, which another reason why so many businesses like WordPress.

Have you built many WordPress websites?

We have built a large number of WordPress websites; these are websites to be built for a vast range of different businesses. We have worked for solicitors through to companies that work in the construction sector.

Many people choose our business simply because we create unique, well designed websites with a starting price of just £950. Plus, Cardiff businesses hire us because we can offer the first year’s hosting for free, plus we can even, for an additional fee, write all of the text for your brand-new company website, helping you to save time.


Website Hosting

Some website designers design the website at a low initial cost. So the upfront cost to get some websites designed is relatively low; yet that’s often why they then charge a much higher monthly fee for the website hosting, which can sometimes vary between, say, 50 and £70 per month.

When you add this hosting cost up, over, say, many years of paying a monthly fee for website hosting, the hosting fee can be pretty significant cost, depending how long you have the website for.

So, instead, of charging a high monthly fee, like some web designers, we offer free hosting for the first year for each website we build.

Then, we charge a fixed rate yearly fee, thats dependent on the size of your company website, so it’s cheaper for a 7-page brochure than would be for an e-commerce website. However we always offer very competitive prices for our website hosting.


Our Service
Our Work

Does your business need a brand-new CMS website?

We have designed a large number of WordPress content management system websites for businesses based in Cardiff. For those who don’t know that much about web design, you might be wondering what WordPress means?

Basically, WordPress is just a type of website, it’s a content management system used by millions of companies. What businesses need to know is that these websites are simple to use. Some web designers, that is, some web design agencies, will talk you into a type of CMS they have built, yet you may find the admin part of some web design companies websites difficult to use. WordPress admin area however is super simple to use, this is why we often recommend it to so many Welsh businesses.

Your business may want a WordPress website because it is one of the most commonly and widely used content management systems for businesses worldwide. Many millions of websites are designed using WordPress; therefore, it’s simple to find a WordPress developer in U.K and straightforward to find a website designer with designs in WordPress.

It is also more than likely that the vast majority of your direct competitors have built a website using WordPress; it’s so widely used and that’s because it’s simple to use and we think it is a brilliant type of content management system.

This is why WordPress is so widely used across the globe. Most websites we recommend to say solicitors through to companies in the construction sector, such as builders who contact us to get a website built for their Cardiff business, we often recommend WordPress to them, as its so simple for most businesses to use.

Our Work

Do you require a brand-new website to be designed here in Wales?

When you contact some web designers within Cardiff, and explain you want a brochure website designed quite quickly, sometimes they might say it takes at least between three and six months to complete this work. If the web designers have a high workload, you might be waiting sometimes even longer.

We appreciate that when a business is set up, they often want their company website up and running as soon as possible. The vast majority of the brochure websites we build, with seven pages or less, can be designed from start to finish in less than a month. This is why so many Welsh businesses hire us to design their websites.

Therefore, we can design a brilliant, well-designed, well-built WordPress website from start to finish in less than one month, with a starting price of just £950.


Why is WordPress Content Management System so popular across the world?

There are millions of businesses worldwide that now own a WordPress website. Everything from sole traders through to conglomerates and multinational companies use WordPress for their company website. The reason for this is simple: It’s a brilliant content management system (CMS), many amazing websites are built on WordPress every month by our team , and very simple to use.

Once our web developers send you the WordPress administration username and password, you can simply log into the dashboard area.

Once you’ve logged into the WordPress dashboard, you are greeted with a Dashboard that’ super simple to use. Then you can change the wording of the main pages, update your website, add blog posts, and more if you want to.

This is why directors, businesses, and marketing teams like WordPress so much, because the administration panel, that is, the dashboard, is so user-friendly and simple to use. When you compare this to other CMS, that is other content management systems that some web designers recommend, sometimes the dashboards can be difficult to use, some CMS’s can actually be full of glitches, and it can sometimes just be hard to add something as simple as a blog post.

However, with a WordPress website, you don’t have to have any PHP coding knowledge at all to log in and make simple changes within the WordPress Dashboard.

Simply log in. If you want to add a blog post, this is an absolute piece of cake to do.


Many Cardiff businesses have already chosen WordPress.

It’s more than likely that when you look at your direct competitor’s websites, regardless of the business sector, whether they are a dentist or a solicitors practice, they will most likely choosen a WordPress website. A web developer, within a few seconds, can instantly tell by looking at the source code whether a website is WordPress website, and a lot of the websites on Google will be companies, who have chosen a WordPress website.

Web Design












Why the vast majority of our websites are built using WordPress

So every year, when we look back on how many websites we have designed using the WordPress content management system, we would have to say, off the top of our heads, it’s roughly around 80% with more.

This is because when we sit down and chat with our customers, we often recommend this type of content management systems to them because it’s one of the world’s most popular CMSs, and it’s a piece of cake to use.

Some fantastic, brilliant websites can be designed using this content management system.

Our clients are always really impressed by the finished design because our web designers and web developers always work hard to create brilliant websites using WordPress.

Your business can hire our web designers to design that we are build a WordPress website for your business, with a starting price from as little as £950.

Therefore, we can build brochures and e-commerce websites for many businesses here in Wales.

High-quality websites designed for just £950.00

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.