Are the websites you build “mobile friendly”?

August 25, 2024
Posted in Blog
August 25, 2024

Are the websites you build “mobile friendly”?



It’s more important than ever that your company website is “responsive,” yet this is often not at the forefront of some people’s minds when they are having a new website designed by local web designers.

Often, a director or a self-employed person will fire off a few emails, asking local web designers to offer a quote for a 7-page website. Then, you might sit back, have a slice of lemon drizzle cake, and drink tea while waiting for the replies.

Then, automatically, a lot of people are drawn to the price: what the various web developers charge for designing a basic brochure website.

It’s also common for marketing companies to attach a lot of sales literature explaining why you should pick them.

They may waffle on forever and a day about previous brands and businesses they have helped. Yet what often gets lost in that, say, 25-page PDF document about the web design company waffling about how good they are is how much the web design essentials cost.


Such as:

What is the ongoing hosting going to cost?

– How much will the domain name renewal cost for that business?

– How much will it cost for the web designers also to do the copywriting work

– And yes, you guessed it, how much do you need to make the website mobile “responsive”?


So, let’s jump straight to the good part, where some web designers in Cardiff might charge, let’s say we have heard £750.00 to make an essential brochure website “responsive”- well, here at W&P, we are different.


How are we different?

We are different because every single one of our websites, whether it’s a brochure or an e-commerce website, is always made to be mobile-friendly. Even if a business here in Wales comes to us for a quote, and not once in meetings or on the phone does it mention making the website “responsive,” we know they will need it.

So, just like a car needs fuel to move forward, it’s essential. We know that over 50% of your organic traffic from is going to be from a mobile phone or tablet. We also know that Google has introduced “mobile-first indexing”—meaning Google’s algorithms want to crawl and index the mobile version first.

Google also will not rank a business high in the SERPs, the organic results, unless the website has a mobile version designed.

Google doesn’t want thousands of shoppers who are shopping for an item on an iPhone or Samsung Android phone to have the website not work and “snap” to the screen size.

So, Google’s algorithms now use whether or not your company website is responsive as a ranking factor.


What are Responsive Websites?



Having a responsive website sounds technical, right?

Well, from a customer’s perspective, it just means the page layout fits the screen, and you can leave all the complicated web design stuff to us. But from a shopper’s perspective, they just want the page to load on a smartphone or a tablet and for it all to work, and that’s exactly what our web developers can do for you.



Are you thinking about investing in SEO?


If you want to improve your company’s search engine optimisation, then your company website must offer a good user experience. Here are some of the ways that you can improve your companies U.X:

–            Have a responsive website

–            Reduce company’s bounce rate

–            Improve dwell time.

Do you need a new website designed?

If you own a business here in Cardiff, Wales, and you would like to improve your company’s digital marketing, here’s how we can help:

–            WordPress web design

–            CMS web design

–            Local search engine optimisation

–            Organic search engine optimisation

–            Social media marketing


Why choose W&P?

We have been designing top-quality, well-designed websites for local businesses for over 10 years. If you would like a website designed, contact our highly skilled web designers today.


High-quality websites designed for just £950.00

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.