A day in the life of a Cardiff website design agency

October 8, 2024
Posted in Blog
October 8, 2024 wandpmarketing.co.uk

A day in the life of a Cardiff website design agency

Date: 08/10/2024

You might currently be reviewing various web design quotes and deciding which one is right for your business.

Sure, freelance web designers will cost a lot less, yet often, they specialise in one aspect of marketing and perhaps even building one type of CMS, like designing websites in Drupal.

So, your business might be considering pushing the boat out, going the whole hog, so to speak, and hiring a web design agency.
But before you hire a web design agency, you might want to understand what they do and how their work can help your business grow.
So, without further ado, we pull back the curtains, invite you backstage, and explain what a web design agency can offer your business.

You might have a preconception that marketing agencies and web design companies are all about boozy Friday afternoon celebrations and holding so many meetings that the coffee machine gets worn out from producing so many frothy coffee flat whites.

Well, this is partly true, yet a good web design agency can take care of a whole business’s online marketing needs, from creating a stunning, well-designed website that offers a fantastic U.X to taking care of your business’s SEO so that your company starts to climb Google. That phone starts ringing a lot more often.

So, let me walk you through some of the job roles you are likely to find at a local digital marketing agency:


Web designers

We work with a talented bunch of web designers. We build the vast majority of our websites using the WordPress CMS. We design websites that look amazing but are also super simple for shoppers to use, therefore offering a brilliant UX.


Planning stage

A good SEO consultant or web designer will have a lot of tasks to complete on any working day.

In fact, it can feel as though there are a million and one things to do, from liaising with a client over how they want the footer designed to building backlinks.

So, anybody working for a digital marketing agency must plan out the day-to-day work they plan on completing. Plus, for example, a website will need a plan on how it will be built so that all the various team members can work on the site and complete their work so that another team member is not waiting for them to finish a piece of work.

Therefore, web design needs to be carefully planned. One of the first stages is creating wireframes and working with a copywriter to ensure the text fits neatly onto the page.

Then, it’s over to web developers to design and finish the rest of the website.

Administration tasks do need to be completed.

A web designer can become so busy writing code and designing the website that the client may not know what work they are completing.
So, it is always essential, and web design agencies often use time management tools to set aside time for a phone call or an e-mail to update the client on what is happening with the website build.



Of course, most web designers spend most of their day designing websites, yet many hours per day are also spent working with copywriters, UX designers, and web developers.

That’s the client as well.

Therefore, a web designer could use Adobe Photoshop in the morning to edit photos and then work with copywriters in the afternoon to add text to the main pages.



SEO consultants have SEO tools, which are brilliant for helping you know which keywords you should optimise the website for. Then, there are backlink-checking tools, making it a piece of cake to look at your competitor’s backlinks and get an idea of the websites you might want to build backlinks.

However, web design is more subjective.

It’s about what the client and business’s customers wish to do.

Therefore, what the website should look like is open to interpretation. So, a lot of time at web design agencies will be spent brainstorming,

which also involves copious amounts of tea drinking and some good old-fashioned boiled sweets.
Yet brainstorming can save a significant amount of time because you can start to whittle down what the website should look like. Rather than going full steam ahead and fully designing a website, the client doesn’t like the colour scheme, fonts, or page layout.

Brainstorming allows creative suggestions on how the website should look to flow, but it also ensures that the client and the web design agency are on the same page.



Most digital marketing agencies spend a lot of time using Microsoft Word to simply write the text for main pages. Yet this text is so important because it has to answer the questions a shopper needs.

If a page doesn’t answer a pressing question that the shopper has, you could lose that visitor, and if this happens often, the bounce rate can start to increase.

Editing the text and website

Even if you spend, let’s say, forever and a day planning how you will design a brand new website, let’s say for an e-commerce business, you could plan, have meetings, and scribble ideas on a whiteboard until the marker pen runs out!

Yet sometimes, it’s only when all the code, such as the PHP web development and web design work, is finished that you can take a step back from the masterpiece and consider whether it’s a job well done or whether more refinement is needed.

The copywriting team could spend hundreds of hours on the project, but sometimes, it becomes apparent that there’s too much text on a page, such as the homepage.

So, web designers often spend a lot of time refining and improving a website, such as slimming down the amount of text, perhaps adding titles to make it clearer what the page is about, or simply making changes to speed up the page so that it loads faster.


A leading web design, copywriting and digital marketing agency in Cardiff.


Choosing a digital marketing agency for your business is like shopping for boots.

Some just won’t fit, yet when you find the right pair, you will want to keep them for an extended period.

On-going business relationship

Often today, businesses want an ongoing relationship with their digital marketing agency.

Gone are the days of asking for a timescale for how long a web designer would take to design a website and then for the business to never use the marketing agency again. Often, things are different now; enterprises have worked with digital marketing agencies like ours for a very long period and hopefully have built a long and mutually beneficial relationship.

Cardiff-based businesses often need ongoing support, whether that helps them improve their organic search engine optimisation or website hosting provided by web designers.


For example, W&P can offer a massive range of services, such as:

– Graphic design
– WordPress design
– Drupal design
– Joomla design
– Local SEO
– Organic SEO
– And much, much more.

Call us today to find out why so many businesses in Cardiff hire us to build a website and partner over the long term.

High-quality websites designed for just £950.00

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.